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Steel industry

Magsort is a service provider for the steel industry that unlocks unprecedented value from steel slag.

metal recovery
recycling rate
steel purity


Magsort is able to capture twice the amount of steel from steel slag, compared to traditional solutions.

While traditional metal recovery plants (MRP) cannot extract the small pieces of steel, Magsort’s solution delivers all the remaining steel at 80-95% purity.

We offer a 100% recycling solution, as the remaining slag becomes a valuable zero-CO2 raw material for the cement industry.

The entire refining line only takes up a space roughly equivalent to two football fields.

The process is completely dry and the need for long-term slag dumps on site is entirely eliminated.


200 tonnes per hour throughput.


100 by 200 meters.

Water consumption

0 liters.

Energy consumption

4 kWh per tonne of slag.

Metal purity

  • 95% at >5 mm diameter
  • 87% at 2-5 mm diameter
  • 80% at 1-2 mm diameter

The purity of our recovered steel is high enough to bypass the sintering process, and can be fed directly into the steel-making process in a Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF) or an Electric Arc Furnace (EAF).

We are then uniquely able to refine the remaining material to be used as zero-CO2 raw materials for the cement industry.

The total CO2 emissions reduction is equivalent to 3-17% of the whole steel-manufacturing process, depending on the type of furnace used.

Operational model

We are a build-own-operate (BOO) service provider for the steel industry.

We share the value of the improved steel recovery with our slag-providing partner.

Capital efficiency for our partner is maximized by Magsort taking responsibility for financing, maintaining and optimizing the processing line.

Our operational model works according to the following principles:

  • Magsort will either upgrade the existing processing line or deliver a complete solution at the client's site.
  • Magsort will absorb the CAPEX associated with the processing line.
  • Magsort will operate and maintain the processing line.